Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

FORMES project member Jean-Pierre Jouannaud organized jointly with Pr Ming Gu the LIAMA-Tsinghua Software Day, where the following scientists reported on their research:

  • Pr Edmund Clarke, from Carnegie Mellon.

  • Erik Hagersten from University of Uppsala.

  • Marc Pouzet from University Pierre et Marie Curie.

  • Jiaxiang Liu

    • Subject: Diagramatic Confluence,

    • Date: from Jul 2013 to Dec 2013,

    • Institution: Ecole Polytechnique

  • Antoine Rouquette

    • Subject: Upgrade of SimSoC simulator,

    • Date: from September 2012 to August 2013,

    • Institution: Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology

  • Shenpeng Wang

    • Subject: Approximately Timed Simulation of PowerPC e200z,

    • Date: from March 2012 to May 2013,

    • Institutions: Tsinghua University and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology